
All our food is exceptionally delicious! (Before payment, please taste the selected dishes and if you do not like it, you do not have to pay.)

Szeged, József Attila sgt. 73. - Phone number: +36 20 920 9000 - Open every day: 11:00 - 22:00

social hobiart

Peasant chicken breast steak


Currently out of stock

More reviews, interesting facts - Hobiart:

The combination of onion and crumbled chicken breast steak forms the perfect combination. It can be a perfect attachment to any of our garnishes.


In addition to our garnishes, we recommend that you also review our pickles, because we are sure to find the right one among them!

If you want to try this dish, all you have to do is come to our restaurant and order the selected dish!

If you don’t have time to come to the Hobby, all you have to do is order online or over the phone and we’ll take you home in full or in a zone in a short time.

The finished food is flour-free.

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